Saturday, 15 November 2008

the fish ice cream cake

yuhu world! so after a long hiatus, its me back to BLOG THE WORLD hahahaha!

ok so today i just wanna share the story about me and the fish ice cream cake.. well this ice cream cake looks like taiyaki, but im not sure if this is a taiyaki, cos taiyaki is a fish cake filled with azuki paste, or sometimes choco paste.

but this one, it's filled with vanilla ice cream plus azuki paste too..
i bought this, after a forced reccomendation from my friend.. it costs like IDR if im not mistaken, kinda forgot how much.. you can buy it in tore-ore, artha gading mall. it's a korean fast food restaurant, and the chicken bbq there was awesome! but it's small. yea whatever..

ok then..
i took a bite, and yeah, my friend was right, it was delicious (but  it's not as good as haagendaz *whatever you spell it* or cream & fudge, i mean it's totally different level you know) but it's not that bad for a 12.000 ice cream cake. haha

and yeah, i reccomend it to you too.. for the taste and for the first experience eating taiyaki-look-alike ice cream

aandd, so this is my first comeback post!


Pu3W1tCh said...

Uwaaaaaaa! mau donk dippppp! T_T

genki said...

lol mic likes this one too, didn't know tore-ore sell it, usually buy it at korean supermarket @lippo, u r right... I prefer this over cream&fudge too :P

Gijin said...

haha i think you sedikit ngaco, i mean i prefer creamandfudge. choconya tasty :P

genki said...

ooo hahaha, u prefer cream&fudge, i prefer this one, taste and price ok, yg mahal2 ga level deh hahaha...

Anonymous said...

buat sendiri aja dip.
beli es krim campina yang 2 liter 3 warna murah abis. terus dimasukin ke kulit pangsit yang udah mateng, terus dicetak di tempat makan anak kecil. terus di masukin lagi ke kulkas biar keras. terus 3 jam lagi di makan. sama kok rasanya, beda bentuk, beda es krim, harganya cuman 1500an doang per ikan lololol....
*emang ini suka ngaco, tapi saya raja es krim*

genki said...

hahaha, trus azuki bean pastenya gmana.. 12rb sih udah not bad, soalnya beli conello aja brapa udah

maryna roesdy said...

lucu yaaa

pdhl gw udah unders etimate gitu pas liat packagingnya.. masa sih bentuk ikannya akan sejelas itu??
eeh tyta iya loh, ikannya cetakannya sungguh jelas gitu yak Div..ckckck..