Sunday, 28 September 2008

Last day at work

hehehe everyone was happy cos this was the last day at work. well not really last day, but i mean we all get a holiday for like 2 weeks. heheh what a relieve i can actually having my time doing my usual thing: LAZINESS..

heheh. and we took pictures too... this is one of the pictures

dasar orang males, hari terakhir malah santai2... loh mendadak indonesia. haha ya anggep nasionalisme gw tinggi deh.

di poto tuh, si tetangga nomer 3 bilang 'kok g kaya pas poto yah' hahahah nasib nak lu kurang bergaya seperti gw yg kool.

blm lagi si tetangga no 2 yg malah belajar motor
dan tetangga 1 yag niat abis pulang setenga ari katanya mo ke salon, cuiiih..
smuanya malas2an. kecuali gw yg kerja.. HAHAHAH *kabur takut ditimpuk*

anyway yaah, para tetangga2 sampai bertemu lagi ya oktober.

PS: buat tetangga no 2, jgn tinggalkan daku sendiri. temani aku dong di kantor hahaha :P


Anonymous said...

mangkanya..behavee qijhen

eh, ntar gw mau minta ni foto!

genki said...

divi... why u dont update your blo???? lol... any puncak pics with mic in it? post pls... hahaha... onni still in amsterdam.. cold as hell.. but tell u what... after been here a while in europe.. my thought was like.... japan all the way... lol... ok cao..

Irvinhyg said...

Div, how to make a shoutbox???

maryna roesdy said...

gitu ya... foto gak ngajak-ngajak...huh!

Anonymous said...

hhaaha gila beb gaya lo.. yg manis dkit kek kaya si tenden gituuu...

Gijin said...

hahah kan ci2 lg pegi waktu itu, kita orang da mo pulang lolol..

hahahaha g sih gak manis beb, tp lebih ke arah COOL gitu sih beb :D