Tuesday 12 August 2008

late report

so actually 2 weeks ago i went to the dentist and i got my braces.. late posting, haha, i know but i actually dont really want to write abt this, but since i have nothing to do now, cant sleep cos im not sleepy atm. well... here, my opinion abt braces

1st impression: ok, kinda weird
how i feel: pain at the beginning, then i feel ok, just a bit weird having something new inside my mouth (like other said when they got their braces )
picture: nah.. i dont really want to show it. you see, lots of people walking around with their braces. imagine me using that
problems: chewing and eating

done reporting!


By's pursue of happiness said...

dip kalo lu mo buat dokternya rugi karena lu ga gitu seneng pelayanannya. or something else...

sering2 gragotin tulang ayam. and buat itu kawat bengkok2 and copot2 yang nempel ke giginya...

pasti dokternya jadi kesel sama u.
and old days.. dulu sih ga bayar mau lu patahin itu kawat, or mau copotin 10 biji plastik yang nempel ke giginya..

just do it once, and see how much u can annoy the dokter hahaha...

ps. my record, dulu kawatnya pernah patah dibagian belakang, terus jadinya kalo makan nancep2 ke pipi bagian dalam. ya udah gua gunting sendiri pake tang hahaha..
begitu ke dokter heran dia. kok bisa copot kaya gini. gua bilang aja iya patah. terus nancep2 ke pipi. jadinya saya potong aja pake tang bahahhha... dokternya langsung totally drop his jaw to the floor

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

loh koq u mendadak pasang kawat sih? gigi lu berantakan ya emang?

Gijin said...

behehehehheh ini aja da mulai nancep2 hahha

kagak,maju doang depannya lol. takut tamba maju pokonya penjelasannya panjang de lol

Pu3W1tCh said...

Liattt donk fotonyaa :D