Wednesday, 27 August 2008


あああ。。。 長い長い日


SIM Aをつくった、かばんを買いました。。うれしいです


今日は4-BIA見に行かない。。実話, 4-BIA見たいよ。めっちゃ悲しい今


Friday, 22 August 2008







another picture of my cute little niece and ME

here is one of my pictures celebrating my 21st bday.. posing with MiC my cute niece hehe.. isnt she adorable? like me? meheheheheh.
she is cute, like me.. *runs*

Sunday, 17 August 2008

everyone is happy!

yes.. this august! 2008! everyone is happy! everybody celebrates something!!

whats that?

yeah, 1st, its beijing olympic 2008.. well who doesnt celebrate it? yeah, beijing has their own party! plus usa, china, korea, this country, that country = world

2nd. its indonesia... indo is celebrating the day of indonesia's independence day today.. and probably some of us, indonesian people who watch olympic, mostly the athletes are now celebrating their 1st gold.. congrats to our badminton champ men's double Markis Kido and Hendra Setiawan. you guys rock! (hope the mixed double rocks too. get the gold!)

3rd... its me.. i have my own party! YAY! hahaha what?
yeaaah i celebrate my own party! guess what! 21 years ago, 17 aug 1987, i was born! so today, aug 17 2008 i am celebrating my 21st birthday. congrats and happy birthday to me..

i think this 'august 08' is really a great month, for me.. why? i feel happy.. beside my birthday, this month, i can make my self busy by watching olympic (sports: my life), i had my braces finally, i got called by lorem (i applied my internship there, hope they will accept me), etc... too much to tell and write here, but hey maybe its just me..


guys, congrats me.. dont say it at shoutbox, but give me comments! but anyone who congrats me here, or after i click PUBLISH POST... i know, you actually did not remember my birthday right.. i bet.. you guys realise because you read this! hahahha....

anyway.. HAPPEE FOR EVERYONE.. nice month right?

Friday, 15 August 2008

Beijing Olympic 2008

OMGGGGG gw sangat kena Olympic fever lagi taun ini.. setelah keserang demam thomas uber.... dan sydney olympic 2000... (i missed the athens 04)

dulu g inget bgt pas sydney gw keganjringan kaya orang gila... cuma gw doang yg freak abis..

8 taon kemudian! inilah gw yg sedang beijing fever! hahahahaah

sekilas ttg olympic kali ini:
1. g ga mengharapkan apa2 dari indo -_- kecuali badmintonnya (yg uda mulai gagal nih satu2, jgn sampe smua)
2. mata gw sangat asyik sekali ngeliatin para atlit2 yang cihui atas cihui bawah (loh? maksudnya mukanya cakep badannya bagus haha)
3. ada tontonan di hari2 yg biasanya pada nyetel senetron gila
4. jadi ada kerjaan kalo browsing
5. menambah pengetahuan umum gw (bahkan yg ga da hubungannya sama olympic, dikarenakan browsing ga karuan haha)
6. jatuh cinta sama bird nest dan terutama WATER CUBEnya

cihui beijing 2008, cihui 4 taon lagi..

NB: former china top athlete sang lan, you are truly great woman, wow... o_O

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

late report

so actually 2 weeks ago i went to the dentist and i got my braces.. late posting, haha, i know but i actually dont really want to write abt this, but since i have nothing to do now, cant sleep cos im not sleepy atm. well... here, my opinion abt braces

1st impression: ok, kinda weird
how i feel: pain at the beginning, then i feel ok, just a bit weird having something new inside my mouth (like other said when they got their braces )
picture: nah.. i dont really want to show it. you see, lots of people walking around with their braces. imagine me using that
problems: chewing and eating

done reporting!

Monday, 11 August 2008

Nokia's Brand new product

hmm pas g ke warnet nih..
nokia spertinya mengeluarkan produk baru...
close up version...
monitor dengan brand nokia...
only in indonesia..

Powered by Gururu®

Gururu and her new FACE..!!


so, i just bought a sticker for computer's keyboard. and i stick it right away to gururu my labely lappie!

here is gururu's new face hehe...
the theme is cow and milk...

top left, bottom right, and the keyboard
but kinda sad, some of them are not fit to my laptop keyboard. so i just leave it..

and anyway, i like the sticker, because it has korean han gul. so i dont have to waste my time again if i want to write korean language.. hehe
나 지금 행복해요!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ....

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Playing Tag (tagged by oridusartic)

Karna gw di tagged sama si ms.Oridusartic jadi mo ga mao g meramaikan juga nih blog g pake permainan tag-tag'an nya dia (tek-tekan) hahahah, so here it goes

Name 15 people of your friends on random that you can think of right now. Don’t read the questions before you write and tag 5 people to do the survey.

1. cece lia
2. pu3
3. citra
4. inge-onni
5. niken
6. victor
7. metta (metibob)
8. intan
9. gillian
10. irine
11. renata
12. christian
13. grace
14. putri canada
15. iner

01. What if 10 kissed you? (irine)
++ wah g akan kaget sekali dan mungkin gw akan cium balik?? mungkin matahari terbit 2 kali malah

02. Can you describe 5 physically? (niken)
++ hmm putih, tinggi nya 160an, berat 45an, kurus, sipit2, cakep, rambutnya panjang, begitulah kira2

03. Mention five things that you like from 11? (renata)
++ orangnya nyantai, mau susah, pinter inggris, gampang dibikin ketawa, ga cepet marah

04. Can 6 dance? (victor)
++ HAHAHAH kalo dia bisa ngedance gw koprol tiap ngelangkah 3 kali.

05. Will you go on date with 2? (pu3)
++ nah lo gw nya sih ayo aja, pu3nya brani ga nih.. palingan kabur HAHAHAH.. coba coba nih beenr gaa!

06. What if 7 asked you to marry him/her? (metta)
++ hah akan g jawab santai.. lu gila ya. haha

07. Mention three abilities that 9 has? (gillian)
++ ini kenapa gillian lagi yah..haha.. hmm deathly stare, yes,

08. What is 15’s style in fashion? (iner)
++ celana yg makin bawah makin kecil, baju kemeja kalo ga shirt biasa, garis2 gt kadang haha :P

09. What is the coolest thing about 1? (cece lia)
++ hahaha cece lia adalah wanita penjajah pria yang sangat kuat dan memiliki tampak dan tampang menakutkan plus aura2 bunga2 yg bertebaran.. (apa sih..)

10. What if 14 wants to borrow your underwear? (putri)
++ ih gw takut lgsg mikir2 lagi!!!!!! hiiiiiiiiiiiii!! putriiii!!!

11. What would you do if 12 is pregnant? (christian)
++ lgsg gw tanya "mate, are you actually punya 2 jenis kelamin?"

12. What’s the craziest thing you ever done with 4? (inge-onni)
++ hmm makan2 dengan brisik dan bikin bngkrut (bareng kluarga jg sih hehe)

13. What is 6’s favorite food? (victor)
++ segala be-bakmi-an, dari bakmi abang, nci, acay, nko, resto dll

14. Will you punch 3 on his/her face? (citra)
++ heheheh would i? haha gak lah.. gak salah apa2 kok sama gw.. kecuali dia nojok gw duluan.. (mungkin ga ya haha)

15. What will happen if you never met 8? (intan)
++ kehidupan gw ya berjalan seperti biasa, tp mungkin g akan kehilangan seorang sosok adik angkat yg lucu kecil seperti kue ketan. HAHAHAH... oh ya mungkin gw ada beberapa mata kuliah yg ga lulus (krn diajarin dia smua), plus ga bisa bahasa hokkien haha


Tuesday, 5 August 2008

my cute little niece...

here is a picture of my cute little niece, michelle, with cool pose
trying to avoid the paparazzi (me)

she said "gak mau di foto!" (dont take my pic)
oh, ok miccc...

but i got a good pic! hehehe..


hmm internet koneksi yg dodol memang menyebalkan! g kaga bisa konek secara benar! bikin sebel aja haha..


berhubung g ini adalah manusia yg suka berpikir, entah pemikiran yang berguna maupun yg tidak berguna dan membuang waktu..

tp g sempet ada pemikiran kaya gini:

1. kenapa musti cewe?

banyak orang yg bilang gini (terutama tante2 yg kepo gt) jadi cewe jgn serampangan nanti ga ada yg mau, jaga badan dong nanti ga ada yg mau, jaga sikap, harus rajin, dll dll

kenapa smuanya itu diomongin nya ke cewe terutama? kenapa cowo engga? gw ga perna denger tuh ada org yg ngomongin secara terus menerus ke cowo jangan serampangan nanti ga ada yg mau. ada juga, yaaah namanya juga cowo, biasa deh berantakan.


misalnya cwe dibilang jadi cewe tuh jaga badan, tar kalo tetenya ngondoi ga ada yg mau. kalo gt cowonya cowo apaan cuma mo sama tete? kalo cewe jerawatan tar ga ada yg mau, trus cowo2 yg jerawatan emang uda pasti cewe mau2 aja gt? atau ini plg sering! cewe perutnya jgn gendut2 nanti cowo ga mau. halah tu liat cowo perutnya juga ga kalah aduhai sama cwe.. haha

kesan nya sih menurut sudut pandang gw, kalo dibilangin kaya gt terus, cwe tuh bego dong? mau aja sama misalnya cowo serampangan, ga rajin, jerawatan, badan ga bagus, dll?

mungkin cowo2 jg ada aja sih complain yang macem gini, yg misalnya dia mikir kenapa cowo terus (mungkin misalnya, cowo harus biayain rumah tangga, padahal ce kan jg harus bantu dong) yah semacem itu lah

tp kan karna g cewe yaa jadi g mikirnya lebi ke arah cewe gt deh haha

tp seperti yg g bilang, cuma pemikiran ga guna ala gw hahaha...

tp kadang kesel aja krn g lumayan sering dibilang kaya jd cewe jgn terlalu tinggi tar susa cari cowo (ya cowo kan dari hormon harusnya emang tinggi, jadi gw tinggi jg ga mslh laa) atau jgn terlalu serampangan atau berantakan. yah susah juga sih, kalo gt gw musti les LADY2 dulu biar bisa sempurna menjadi SWAN PUTIH yg bsa bikin cowo2 drooling ngeliat gw secara fisik...

tp gak juga, memang jadi orang perlu perubahan ke arah lebih baik. liat sisi positifnya, yaah jadi sapa tau secara perlahan dari ngedenger2 komen2 orang yg rada menjatuhkan itu g bisa jadi pribadi yg lebih baik? (cieeee apa sih)

2. gimana rasanya coba
barusan g baca forum gt, ada yg start topic ttg gimana pendapat lu klo ngob sma orang jerawatan gt apa pendapat lu. trus setelah sekian banyak reply, ada 1 orang reply gini:

Alot of people have acne, and most of them can't help it.
My friend has acne, and she is always selfconsious and can't properly
look people in the eye, cause she thinks their looking at her acne.
And there are people who are disgustingly rude enough to just stare.
And I do not know how many times, she's called me, crying, saying
that she hates her skin, and she's tired of people treating her different
from people with no acne..
It hurts me alot, to see her suffer.
I really dislike it, when people with no acne. Complain about people who do
have acne. GET OVER IT. You see people with acne, every day.
Its part of growing up.

hahaha ada benernya jg sih yg dia omongin, misalnya ada orang blg gini 'duh ada jerawat nih 1 ga enak bgt' tapi ngomongnya misalnya ke orang yg jerawatan, itu apa rasanya yah orang yg jerawatan..pasti orangnya kaya yauda lah 1 aja ga usa complain, gw nih banyak, gt kali ya.. secara g jg rada jerawatan sih haha.

tp memang harus diliat dari sisi positif nya aja kali yeh anggepannya. apa rasanya, misalnya kita ngerasa jerawatan, trus kesel sama orang yg komplen jerawat cuma 1, gimana orang yg mukanya pernah luka trus kebeset jadi big scar gt, atao problem laennya misalnya (no offense yaa) matanya pece atau sumbing gt.. dsb

jadi menurut g sih setiap orang pasti punya problem masing2 dah..

hmm just my 2 cents..
bener2 pemikiran ga guna bgt hahha