Thursday 13 December 2007

smile doesnt mean happy...

im so fcuked up lately, cannot explain why but my feeling is not good. seems like something is chasing me.. i always feel not save.. uncomfortable..
all the problems mixed up into one, cant help it..
you know... life, its so cruel but its so true.. i have to face it..
after this problem, then came the other problem.. then im currently confused about someone, why suddenly that person is changing.. i dont know the reason but its kinda annoying.. its bugging me..
well, seems like its always raining in my heart.. im losing something slowly.. i wonder if there anyone that will come and pull me out from the rain and take me to see the rainbow after the rain, see the sun.. and make my smile back, not the fake one..
just a story of me.. currently stressed out, mentally and phisically...


Anonymous said...

cep! cep! cep!
hahaha gak penting bgt, bingung gw mo ngomong apa.

emang moment "fucked up" tu sangat cocok untuk diblog'kan.

Gijin said...

bah iya nih. keki plg utama ya gara2 tugas.. ahaha... sisanya ya entah begimana muncul satu persatu sampe bohwat gw..

Gijin said...

cepat marah cepat lupa inilah aku. uda ga inget g marah ama sapa di postingan tuh haha