Wednesday 25 March 2009

new site

hey check out my deviantart.. it's not much there cos im not really updating it but sometimes i do update something, so the site not just plain dead.. lol

btw, news. i finally finished wallpaper illustration for my desktop. it TOOK MY EFFORTS!
everytime i use photoshop with wacom, the photoshop always error for like every 5 minutes, and it will hang then.. shut the program. lol..

my ass..
idk why..

so my left finger stick to ctrl + s all the time! here is the small view..

heih.. im not supposed making this drawing since i still have paper to do, lots of paper to be exact, and then i have to make a logo for my side job (im not the one looking for the job, but i dont have other choice except to do this.. pretty complicated and im not in the mood to tell the story)
*always not in the mood :P*

c u guys


Anonymous said...

Akhirnya "si Elisabeth" dimanfaatkan juga. Hahaha sip Dip serasa di gimanaaa gtu atmosfernya. Ahahaha.

Eh tu deviantartnya set wallpapernya masih kacau tuh. Orang lain jadi ga bisa download.. *ato emang sengaja?*

Gijin said...

gue kaga bisa maen DA. bingung deh. lagi blajar2 nih hahah..

g mah maen submit aje

Anonymous said...

bagus!!! love it - love it - love it!
mana janji u mo gambarin g. gambarin sketsa nya aj de ntar w warnaiin sendiri.. LOL.

Gijin said...

hahahaha.. kapan ya tan ntar deh. blm mood HUEHUAE