Thursday, 26 March 2009

human body hair

ok see the picture below..

guess what?
a) broken wood
b) broken branch
c) broken pencil
d) other answer

ok. if you answered other answer.. you're right! but can you actually guess what is this? the answer is

our hair..

unbelivable.. i dont believe it my self either. but i got it from a website, it's really our hair. idk how many times they have to zoom so they can get this picture..

yeah, like a broken wood..
God created something we cant even imagine, even to the tiniest.
God is amazing..


Anonymous said...

Itu rambut patah ya? Ato setiap ujung rambut bentuknya kyk gtu? =S

Anonymous said...

kurang tau gw bukan yg motoin hahhaa. kayak gini kali ya. kcuali abis potong rambut.. ha haha

Anonymous said...

OMG.. serem ya.. jangan2 rambut w kek gitu.. hix

Gi Jin said...

iya tan lu soalnya jelek sih :P hahaha canda dee

leedia said...

itu mah pasti rambutnya si dipi
rambutku tak mungkin begitu, wkkakakakk, pissss ... *pipis*

Gi Jin said...

lidia nih sih sapa sih????

hahaha :P

leedia said...

iya nih, kayaknya salah ngunjungin blog yah gw?
soalnya kemaren2 tuh ada yang MAKSA2 suru2 komen gitu ke blog ini, ampe ditulisin alamatnya di cetingan ... ternyata salah ya?
ok deh kalo gitu :P

Gi Jin The Great said...

hahah najong!!