Tuesday, 15 September 2009

cute baby marc


after another long hiatus (actually i'm just lazy to write a post :P) here i am, come back, with another story..

well just ordinary story...

2 days ago i went to my cousins house to take my camera case and just to hangout n see baby marc.. who is marc?? he is michelle's little brother.. well i bet you guys already know who is mic rite?

too bad when i arrived my cousins went out with mic.. while marc is sleeping at home. but he woke up when me and my granma came. hehehe.. nice timing boy!!

so i took some pictures with him

its me and him

with my granma

HE IS SO CUTEE!! and somuch like her sister! cute chubby fatty little boy hihihi.. and btw he always smiling, sometimes, he laugh... it's nice to hear him laughing..

bonus picture, me and mic!

anyway that's the report..



Oridusartic said...

aaaa lucu sekali baby marc!!! *cubit cubit pipi* :D

gi jin said...

hahaha bulet yah bulet mantap hahaha..

ah ini gw keki deh ama blogspot kalo gw attach picture HTML nya jadi ngaco gt. rese bgt mau bener2in bacanya pusing gw

repoooot blgospot

intan said...

marc lucuuuuu gemesin...
btw marc mirip banget ma oma u.. hahahhaa

kirim salam ya ke marc dip ma mic juga XD

genki said...

omo... br liat... cute... anak siapa dulu...*narsis mode on*

request: blog abt your wisuda n kebaya wkwkwkwk... *hiding*

gi jin said...

uo ralat...

di bawah poto ke dua, harusnya his sister bukan her sister hahaha..

thx :))