Tuesday 7 July 2009

about my wedding. (tagged by gscavo)

ok so i was tagged by gill and then intan, now i'm making this. but before you read this post this is half a joke lol.. and hopefully my future husband if you ever read this, this is just me, we can discuss for the real wedding plan you know HAHAHAH!

1. how old are you?
gonna be 22 this august

2. at what age do you think you'll get married?
simple 25-26 not too young but mature enough :))

3. who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
best man let my future husband choose. bridesmaid will be my cousin and besties :)

4. do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding
garden wedding, or beach.. but if the place is jakarta, traditional wedding with full of Air-Con room haha

5. where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
europe maybe, but australia + new zealand is pretty cool..

6. how many guests do you think you'll invite?
enough people and who has been nice to me HAHAHA. be nice to me readers :D :D

7. will that include your exes?
if i have ex, and if he wants to, go on.. he'll just probably sad for letting me go hahaha

8. how many layers of cake do you want?
3 is enough. the cake only just for family and VIPs.. normal guests, buy your own cake heehee

9. when do you want to get married, morning or evening?
morning to noon

10. name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding..
hmm maybe here there everywhere? we'll see

11. do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon&fork?knife?
hmm.. normal spoon n fork i guess

12. champagne or red wine?
champagne is best for wedding i think, but red wine is good enough, but has to be merlot 2004

13. honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
2 days after

14. money or household items as gifts?
money :)

15. how many kids would you like to have?
i'f me and my husband is filthy rich, 5!! if we're just ok. 3 will do

16. will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?

17. whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
citra! pu3! and readers cmon :)

btw FYI yah nih wedding yg gw impi2kan adalah dimana yg diundang terbatas dan yg berniat cuma buat datang makan n pulang, GET LOST! seriously. gw ga bakal taro makanan banyak2 cuma cem2an doang.. jd yg niat cuma makan malam doang pulanglah kalian tidak akan kenyang hahaha!

wedding gw dibuat krn smua orang harus ikut nikmatin hari kegembiraan gw. jadi nanti ruangan dihias yg bagus, pake lampu mayan aga remang2, trus yg dateng bajunya harus mayan formal tp stylish dan rada2 unik.. seperti pesta topeng.. dan bakal ada acara2 kaya dance bareng di tengah2.. n party with me..

gw ga mau jadi yg duduk aja di atas disalam2in orang. krn g ga bakal menikmati lah.. totally boring hahhaa

but hey that jst me.. lol


intan said...

wow.. g suka itu dip :P
makanannya gak usa banyak2 tapi g mau cakenya ya ahahaha

Oridusartic said...


"gw ga bakal taro makanan banyak2 cuma cem2an doang"

ya dah gw ntar kondangannya ceban aja. gw tanda tangan ntar cebanannya pake drawing pen "Oridusartic" biar lu tau itu dr gw. ahahahaha

box of life said...

gpp asal cem2annya kuotie yah beb!

Gi Jin said...

hauehuaeheuhea... kalian teman yang..


kan gw mau bikin pesta topeng gt seru kalo sambil makan susah makanya lagian untuk mengurangi daging biar ga global warming, cuma ada buncis ama brokoli ntar hahahah! :P

colorful life said...

hahaha..seru tu pesta topeng.. :D

g gak butuh makanan banyak2 asal cakenya buat g semua aj. hahahaha

Pu3W1tCh said...

pesta topeng tapi makan buncis ama brokoli? topengnya muka kambing, sapi ama kuda deh kayaknya..


Oridusartic said...

mwahahahahaha. setuju put.

eh Dip gapapa koq pesta topeng makanannya tapi tetep banyak. Ntar topeng gw sudah didesain khusus agar hanya menutupi bagian hidung ke atas. Yang bagian mulut dan sekitarnya dibiarin kebuka biar gampang kalo mo nelen. hap! XD

genki said...

surprised honeymoon dest maunya ke Europe hehehe....
I thought it'll be like Japan or Korea