Tuesday, 11 June 2013

8 Time Wasters Christians Should Avoid

hey guys, how you doin? hope everything's fine. so i found this article, quite nice and i thought this would be good to share. so here you go, enjoy

If allowed to take root, this could bring about unforgiveness, choking out your life and keeping you from the goodness of God. Jesus told us not to let the sun go down on our anger, this way we can give and recieve new mercies every morning.

Blame Game
Don't play the blame game, it is not fruitful and keeps us from learning from our mistakes. Be bold and responsible. Take ownership of your life by being honest with yourself and allow God to work out the kinks.

Don't be green with envy. Concentrate on the life that God has given you and make the most of it. When we look to our left and right and covet the things that others have it keeps us from fully receiving the blessings that God has specifically for us.

Complaining is like incubating and feeding the problems we're experiencing. It shapes our feeling toward the situation and does absolutely no good at all. Rather than magnifying the problem, try magnifying God with praise and thanksgiving. If you can try focusing on what's going right, you will open the door for God to move mountains in your life.

When fear tries to rise up, remember what God says, "Fear not for I am with you. I will never leave nor forsake you."Deuteronomy 31:6. Stay passionate and enthusiastic about life by expecting good things to happen, instead of giving in to fear

You might as well just accept the fact that you are human and that you're going to make mistakes. Often times this is a case of an attitude of perfection that needs to be transformed to an attitude of humility. Human beings are fallible which is why they need a Savior. Admit it, quit it and then allow yourself to be fully forgiven.

Trying To Change Something You Can't
Only God can change a person's heart and bring about true transformation. While you can't control this directly, you can petition the Lord in prayer and make your request known to Him. Once you do so, allow yourself to look ahead with peace and confidence in God Almighty. 

Worry is exhausting. It keeps your mind busy, but keeps you from making any progress. Jesus warns us not to worry about tomorrow, He instead tells us to seek after God's Kingdom and all of our needs will surely be met.